News/RSS Reader

RSS Aggregator featuring a custom item grouping algorithm


Grouper is a news/rss aggregator that allows the user to subscribe to news sources on the internet. While there are many apps that do this, Grouper applies a grouping algorithm allowing it to "group" similar items in the source feed. The effect is that you see fewer duplicate items allowing you to follow more sources while maintaining a manageable length feed.

What Grouper
does for you

In todays busy 24 hour news cycle, keep up to date with what's important to you

Subscribe to feed sources
that interest you

You choose which sources your feed items are downloaded from, as many or as few as you'd like

Automatic Item Grouping

No matter the number or source of your feed items, Grouper will group together similar items so that most items dealing with a subject will be grouped into a single item, giving you a shorter feed to scroll through to see what's happening

Keep up with what's
important to you

You can check in on your feed any time you'd like, items will be saved for you until you're ready to see them and with the items grouped, you can read your entire feed in less time


Full in-app feed management, custom grouping, easy and convenient reading...

Subscribe from library or by URL

Grouper makes it easy to subscribe to any known RSS feed, or enter the URL of a new feed to start automatic crawling

Unsubscribe at Anytime

You choose your feeds and can add and remove them at any time right inside the app

Items available at your convenience

All items from your feed will be perserved and shown when you check the app, no pressure to keep up, read at your convenience

Automatic Item Grouping

Grouping of feed items happens automatically and without configuration

Secure by default

You can choose secure (https) or non-secure (http) feeds to subscribe to, but the app will never download anything on it's own (images) that aren't served in a secure manner

Optimized for smart phone or tablet

Layout is design for single column viewing on portrait smart phone screens or 3 column viewing on wider screens like tablets

Download now from the iOS App Store for $0. How can it be free? In your feed you will be shown occasional affiliate ads where they are deemed appropriate. Only ads that appear relevant to your feed items are shown, no paid advertising.


Grouper, currently available for iOS on iPhone and iPad

download now

Download now from the iOS App Store for $0. How can it be free? In your feed you will be shown occasional affiliate ads where they are deemed appropriate. Only ads that appear relevant to your feed items are shown, no paid advertising.

Available on

Currently available on the iOS App Store for iPhone and iPad

Get in touch

Questions or comments about the app?